Verbotics Weld Certified By Universal Robots

Posted on July 24, 2023 by Andrew

Universal Robots UR+ Partner

Verbotics Weld, our automatic robot programming software, has been certified by Universal Robots (UR)! We’re excited to become part of the UR+ ecosystem.

We’ve made it easy to generate both URP (graphical programming) and URScript (script-based programming) files directly from Verbotics. You can also send these directly to your UR over your network. Finally, we’ve also developed a URCap which makes it easy to integrate Verbotics with your welding power source.

Verbotics Weld screen with UR10e welding a simple example part
Verbotics Weld screen with UR10e welding a structural steel component

While UR’s are incredibly easy to program using their intuitive lead-through programming, this can still be time consuming. It’s also a challenge to program complex toolpaths and integrate path finding. Verbotics takes welding with your UR to the next level with automated programing, making it easy to quickly produce programs - particularly for larger and more complicated assemblies.

If you’d like to learn more about our UR integration with Verbotics, check out:

If you’d like to try it yourself, you can download a free trial of Weld and use our example UR10E workcell to evaluate Verbotics with your parts. Or, get in contact with us to see how we can help you.