Powerful Robot Programming Made Simple

Verbotics Weld is an easy-to-use desktop application with key features to minimise time and effort to program your welding robot.

Our software is simple to use but produces powerful results, meaning you can spend more time welding and less time programming.

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Computer monitor

How It Works

Verbotics Weld ensures high-quality welding results using four easy steps:

Import your part model from CAD.

Verbotics imports industry standard AP203 and AP214 STEP files. These can be exported from almost any CAD software, including SOLIDWORKS, Inventor, Fusion 360, Tekla and much more.

Identify all weld paths with a single click.

Verbotics analyses your part geometry to create weld paths. You can create all welds with our single click automatic wizard, or by clicking on individual part edges.

Automatically plan all robot motions.

  • Plan the welding path and intermediate motions with no human effort.
  • Toolpaths are optimised for weld quality.
  • Motions are collision and singularity free.
  • Automatic path finding using touch or laser sensing.

Simulate or generate robot code.

  • Generated programs are ready-to-run.
  • Path finding accounts for real-world part and robot kinematic differences.
  • Robot code is flexible and easy to integrate with ancillary equipment.

Supported Robots

ABB logo
Doosan logo
FANUC logo
Kawasaki logo
KUKA logo
Motoman logo
OTC Daihen logo
Panasonic logo
Reis logo
Universal Robots logo
Yaskawa logo

Please contact us if you'd like to add support for your robot.

Online vs Offline vs Verbotics

Verbotics Weld is a step above offline programming. In fact, there is no "programming" to be done at all. Combine your welding expertise with the smart robot programmer inside our software.

We automatically avoid collisions, singularities, work out the gantry or track position, and the workpiece position. This is all converted directly into a robot program, without the programming. It is ready-to-run and our automatic path finding means no touch up is needed.

Screenshot of Verbotics Weld on a laptop

How long would it take you to program this part?

Structural steel example part

We often get asked how long it takes to program things with Verbotics Weld and how it compares to conventional programming. As an example, this part has 175 individual welds What if we told you that you can generate a program and be welding in under two hours?

With Verbotics you can! Using convential programming, this would have taken more than 35 hours. Using Verbotics Weld you can complete this in only 1.5 hours. And all the programming is done in simulation, meaning no production downtime.

Programs generated by Verbotics automatically include path finding - so in many cases no touch up or teaching is required.

Read more

36.6 hours
1.45 hours


Our software includes automatic single-click identification of all welds in your 3D part model. Our algorithms analyse the imported geometry to identify where welds should be placed and the nominal torch angles.

  • Works for any shape, from simple plates to complex curved geometry and large assemblies.
  • Identifies any number of welds with a single click - no need to select individual parts or features.
  • You can also click on part edges to identify individual welds.
  • Welds can also be imported from CSV spreadsheets.
  • Identified welds can be easily adjusted and re-sequenced.

Simulate individual welds or the full program inside our software, and get an estimate of cycle time.

If you need to modify the program, just edit the weld using our powerful tools and run the planning process again to have your changes immediately applied, without the need to change or reprogram anything else.

You can also use our inbuilt accessibiltiy checker to validate your jig design. You can quickly ensure that your jig is accessible to the welding torch and the robot can access the weld in simulation.

Automatic touch or laser sensing is included to account for differences between the 3D CAD model and the real-world part. Our calibration algorithm can deal with both simple structures and complex features.

Our software analyse your welds and part geometry and automatically choose the best location for each sense. It will then generate all the motions and code to perform the calibration on your robot. We support touch sensing (using the wire or nozzle), 1D laser sensing, and 2D laser sensing with profile scanners.

If you'd like exact control, you can also pick exactly where each sense is performed using our inbuilt editor. We also have a number of options to control how seam finding is performed.

The welding toolpath, approach, retreat and intermediate motions are automatically planned offline and optimised by our software. No robotics expertise, human input or manual path adjustment is required.

  • Enter your optimal weld settings, and Verbotics will stay as close as possible to this while avoiding collisions.
  • All motions are collision and singularity free.
  • The robot and any external axes are co-ordinated for optimal weld quality.
  • Supports both simple and complex workcells.
  • Motions are optimised to reduce cycle time.
  • Inbuilt editor allows you exact control to create or edit existing welding toolpaths.

Verbotics makes it easy to edit your welds, whether you want to edit one at a time or hundreds at once. We have a filter and tagging system which makes it easier to manage projects with large numbers of welds. Editing operations include:

  • Re-order welds based on position, distance to next and more.
  • Change weld directions.
  • Split, trim, join and extend welds.
  • Tilt and move the welding path.
  • Copy welds in patterns.
  • Pick touch or laser sense points manually (optional).
  • Create or edit the welding toolpath manually (optional).
Splitting and trimming welds with rat hole features.

Verbotics will automatically calculate how to position your robot to perform each weld. We support all kinds of robot positioners - from tracks all the way through the multi-axis complex gantry systems.

There's powerful options to let you control exactly where you want your robot positioned to perform each weld. You can let Verbotics freely calculate this, or you can lock the robot to one side of the weld, relative to the weld, or to an exact position. You can do this for just one positioner axes, or multiple. You can also keep some axes stationary while allowing others to move during welding.

Tell us how you want your welds oriented using ISO standard welding positions and Verbotics will automatically calculate how to position your workpiece positioner. We support both simple and complex positioning setups - everything from single-axis rotators up to complex multi-axis positioner systems.

There's also advanced options so you can slightly adjust the workpiece position for the perfect weld, or you can also explicitly tell Verbotics how to orient the part. You can synchronise motion during the weld, or keep the workpiece positioner still.

Once the welds have been planned, click the Generate Program button to create a robot program you can download to your robot controller for verification and execution.

The program is written using a flexible structure, meaning you can pause, resume and skip through programs as well as customise operations using custom user functions. You can also edit the code on your teach pendant.

We currently support:

  • Doosan DRL
  • Universal Robots URP and URScript
  • Yaskawa Motoman INFORM
ABB RAPID code screenshot
ABB RAPID code generated by Verbotics.

Verbotics has a whole host of additional features which you can read more about in our documentation, or you can contact us to learn more. Additional features include:

  • Multi-pass weld editor with automatic collision-free-planning.
  • Easily use OEM through-arc seam tracking and weaving.
  • Stitched welds with automatic gap adjustment.
  • Cycle time and welding report generation.
  • Path re-validation when you import a new part.
Verbotics Weld multi-pass editor dialog
Editing a multi-pass weld.

Try it out!

Try out our software yourself, or book a demonstration to see how we can help you take the effort out of robot programming.

Download a Free Trial Request a Demo

Want to try Verbotics Weld for yourself? Follow these steps:

  1. Download Verbotics Weld. It is free to download and fully featured - you only need a license to generate robot code.
  2. Get an example workcell, or get in contact with us and we can provide one that is more suited to your application.
  3. Install Verbotics Weld and import your workcell.
  4. Work through our tutorial. This only takes 20 minutes, and will show you the main features of our software.
  5. Let us know how it went, or get in contact with us and we can arrange a demonstration using your parts. See what's possible with Verbotics Weld!